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About inviting speaker

Please let me know if you want to reserve a spot for your guest speaker and/or your graduate students. If you have already reserved a spot, please let me know the availability of your guest speaker at your earliest convenience.


The Clarkson Inn is the least expensive option if you are paying with a Clarkson p-card. This is because they give you a Clarkson special rate and don't charge sales tax. The Hampton Inn and other hotels in the area may offer a Clarkson discount but you should ask. Ask for tax exempt status to save on the cost. 


Air travel

Visitors should make their own travel arrangements and then you can reimburse them up to the amount you can afford. In order to reimburse them they have to complete an I9 form and be set up as a vendor with the Accounts Payable office. A payment is requested through the Clarkson Payment Request Center. (Shontai Pohl or an admin can help with this.)



When taking a visitor out to meals keep in mind the fund limitations when choosing where to eat and how many people are included. It is usually suggested that the visitor and one or two other people attend the meal to keep costs down. Pay with the p-card and ask for tax exemption. If using department funds to pay for the meal use 100-15500-2568-200, 2568=lecturers, and not "food service other".

3 weeks before the presentation

  • The latest CBS seminar information (time, location and the zoom information) will be announced on this webpage. Please send a warm reminder for your invited speaker.


  • Please invite your speaker to provide the title and abstract.

2 weeks before the presentation

For onsite visiting, please send me the schedule if you plan to have a faculty /students meeting section.

For zoom visiting, please send me the schedule if speaker would like to meet faculty and or students via zoom

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